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Boxcat gets found in hell by stranger who he soon after kills, finds shrooms, has a psychedelic trip and finds the love of his life, or does he? CLIFFHANGER!
My bad dude.
A lot of movies here try to be funny by being completely random. This is one of the only movies that successfully come off as funny from being random.
Thanks lol, i love you brosive.
That was awesome cartoon with very visually pleasing animation.
I love the animation effects used for the drug induced fantasy in your movie.
The double outlines used during the shroom induced fantasy added a very surreal look to that scene.
One outline has a ghost like effect to it and the other outline is more solid.
The colorfully backgrounds in that drug induced fantasy world were strobe lights, swirls and a series of colorful squares.
That shroom trip was definitely not visually boring.
A lot of the other animation before the cat head ate mushrooms was very strange too.
Some anime chick tried to cast a spell using the cat head.
Cathead kills anime chick by zapping her head off.
I assume the backgrounds were created with a image manipulation program.
The anime influenced chick had some great poses.
The chick seemed to have spoken very incoherently.
I didn't understand a word that she said.
The blood effect on the chick's exploded head appears to be created with photoshop or GIMP.
That decapitation effect can be improved upon by thinking about parts of the head.
What are the parts connecting her head together?
After understanding how to put the parts together than the next step is animation of gory scenes.
You want your gory scenes to look gruesome.
The blood leaving the headless corpse will have lots of blood come out at the start.
Than less blood comes out of the wound progressively until none is left.
Animate gore effects this way and it'll look a lot more polished.
The girl and cat had cute designs.
The lighting effects used for the first section of your movie looked awesome.
You blended flash and digital images from outside programs beautifully.
Your animated short reminds me of those short cartoons produced for the fox network.
This cartoon was much more visually appealing than most animation domination HD animated shorts.
This was a very entertaining thing to watch.
- Mightydein
WOW lol, I never knew I'd actually get attention on here so fast, thanks for your input. Love you bro, this is also on my youtube channel "TheMethRing" my first video wasnt all that, i only have two my older one and the one you see on here, subscribe if you like, help me out :D. Thanks for the input again lol seriously, made my day kinda.