Pretty intriguing concept work! Looks more like a mixture of still art and transitions than actual animation for the most part, but very nice detail! This certainly has potential.
an idea i am playing with.
i put this trailer together just to get a feel for the idea of actually making this film in animation form. i think it would be a interesting project. but i will not move foreword with it just yet,
but i wanted to share the project with you all here.
hope you like it for what it is.
Pretty intriguing concept work! Looks more like a mixture of still art and transitions than actual animation for the most part, but very nice detail! This certainly has potential.
Good animation but the sketching is a little rough but otherwise I like your superhero ideas.
BTW: the girls smiling is really weird like I"m watching a Dolphino animation.
thank you. i will work harder on my next project that's in development.
but what is Dolphino animation?
This is pretty good. I liked how detailed the characters were, but I'd like to see more movement. All of the movement you did animate was really good. I like it. 3.5/5 stars.
I love the way you drawn your super heroes.
It reminds me of a lot of american super hero comics.
I love the dynamic poses given to your super heroes.
I been trying to teach myself to how pose my drawings better and wanted to accomplish creating the same kinda strong poses.
The music was great and given the entire movie a sense of scope.
This has to be one of the coolest movies seen all day.
You did good.