Sonic movie redesign predicted
Link VS Sonic VS Red - Zelda/Sonic/Pokemon Parody
What do you keep in YOUR inventory?
This is a cartoon I made a while ago, but it's one of my personal favourites. It was so much fun to animate. I really enjoyed redesigning the classic video game characters into these goofy little cartoons.
Animated by Crunchlins (Dan Sexton) -
Written by my good friend Jordan Stevenson
Voiced by my buddy Charriii5 -
I upload a new cartoon on my YouTube channel every other Friday, so please check it out if you enjoyed this toon:
Sonic movie redesign predicted
The little joke at the end was pretty funny. Great work.
Link can't talk.
Yeah well it's a parody, it' not meant to be entirely factual :P
You know, I've often thought about Zelda vs. Skyrim in terms of how much stuff your character is able to carry. I love seeing drawings that try to depict what that would look like in real life.
Thank you :) I appreciate the feedback!
The Dovahkiin kinda killed it
Yeah, kinda the point :)