damn i need more of that.... cheap, cheesy saturday morning 80's cartoons kinda feel. it's so bad it's good
A Team of Five completely misfit Hang-Gliders attempt to Save the World from Predator Crime and the Bizarre. Meanwhile, thwarting the never ending hopeless attacks from 'The' Evil Wizard Dude Vybron, his sidekick MuttBlugg and his sidekick Mainalneed.
damn i need more of that.... cheap, cheesy saturday morning 80's cartoons kinda feel. it's so bad it's good
Thanks twobyfour. More Next week.
Long intro, short episode! Seemed so promising at first (also digging that oldskool Hannah Barbera style of animation, brings me back to the good ol Scooby Doo daze), but then... nothing really happens! Can't tell if it's a parody episode (the Sky Gilder thing seems to hint that such is the case) for a non-existant series or if there really is more to come? Definitely has potential!
Thanks for your response Cyberdevil. There is more to come. You're right it's based on the Hanna Barbara style. It was never intended to be broken up into smaller episodes so that is why there is a weird ending. We had 21 days to write,draw and animate an eleven minute pilot episode for Comedy Central, which isn't much time. We had more than a few problems trying to get it done. The show ended up getting a weird cult following. Next Episode released next week.
Why anyone wouldn't give this 5 stars is beyond me.
That's what I'm sayin' GorillaMuffin! Next Episode next week.