The style is a bit too reminiscent of Domics, but still good
Went to go get a snack but no someone had to point out a error I made.
The style is a bit too reminiscent of Domics, but still good
I'm sorry. There are just way to many of these. Sketched talking things. The fact you said "like" at least 12 times doesn't help my opinion either, but mostly it is this:
It just isn't funny. And that's the only thing it could be. The illustration isn't award winning, if there was content that wouldn't matter, but again, its idle chattering. Again, I'm sorry but honestly the only thing that kept me watching till the end was counting how many times you said "like". This may seem like a bad review, but what else is there to review?
i totally agree with this story lol XD
Yeah I get like that too. I went to the baker to ask for a rum rocco, and there was this cute girl behind the counter. I just couldn't say rum rocco right. She still understood what I meant, and we had a laugh about it. But it was a bit embarassing.
Pretty nice, your lip syncing is good, jut work on your drawings.