This was really funny dude keep up the good work! :)
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I dont know if this is considered stealing, considering i took it from myself, but here you go. The first animated dream journal i made. Recorded on my phone at 11 am and set to animation (if you can call it that) have fun.
This was really funny dude keep up the good work! :)
thanks man. If you wanna see more random stuff i have a youtube chanell under the same name
interesting dream you had there. though i would like to see a little more detail into the drawings of the animation. i enjoyed this. please keep working on the quality and im excited to hear more interesting dreams u or people you know have had lol.
having a bit of trouble getting the line work right. i can do it on paper, but my tablet seems to create a zillion anchor points when i just wanted to draw a circle. ive alreaghty tried smoothing, and using pen tool. u know how i can fix the lines?