Interesting, because there are 531,441 possible outcomes when trying to calculate what day Easter will be on.
Just a cute little animation for Easter. With 531,441 possible outcomes of how the animation will play !
You read that correctly !
As usual, all animation and audio by me.
Links to buy the song if you like it at the end.
Interesting, because there are 531,441 possible outcomes when trying to calculate what day Easter will be on.
AWe haha i so enjoyed this. easter bunny, easter bunny!!!! <3
egg, egg, egg ! :)
I like how the patterns on the eggs change with each new play. Catchy song as always. I'm also surprised the video is not more related to bodily functions. +1 for the Alien egg.
I have to tame it down every now and again :)
I thought this cartoon was just okay. I guess I was just expected more bodily fluids with this. Then again, you show an egg with poo on it at the end. Well, it's not really poo, but you know what I mean. I still didn't think it was bad. It was quite nice to see you do something light-hearted.
I guess the Easter Bunny doesn't really have a defined appearance unlike Santa Claus. Is that this week?! Nah, my church would have told me so. The egg designs were quite well done. It just isn't anything interesting.
This is indeed rather disturbing. I think... we should see other people, for a while. Just as long as things settle down, hopefully.
Besides, nice job^^