Your drawing style has an interesting aesthetic and the video game characters are drawn in a brand new style.
All that really matters is that the characters remain recognizable in the new drawing style used in the movie.
Carbon copies of the original drawings often have the appearance of being traced and often inspire accusations of tracing.
You teach yourself how to draw the characters of someone else and than make them your own.
Fan art can sometimes be better than the original works it is based on.
The drawings have a neat roughness to it.
I would personally like to see more frame by frame used with that same rough edged drawings.
I love drawings with some roughness because it shows the work of human hands.
The movie was also entertaining piece of fan work and you given the mario characters their own personalities.
Did you also make that wario movie?
I remember perviously reviewing another movie of yours.
Anyway, You've made some really neat movies so far.
- Mightydein