Was it even possible to make him laugh in that game? Lol
I hate that Frog...
While playing the game i was hoping to make Toader happy throug some misterious secret, unfortunately, the game just isn't that way. So our hypothesis is that he's going to "lol" only at dumb, a little simplier stuff.
Hope you like our work.
Thanks for watching.
*Edit: WOW!! Almost Instant front page. Thanks TOM!! =D
Was it even possible to make him laugh in that game? Lol
No... sadly.
im jus going to watch everything you make now if you don't mind. another funny one. The fact that shovel knight made that gumy bear joke and didn't make him even smirk shocked me. he deserves a oscar.
This is me whenever I make a joke.
Great animation, Decent voice acting. The humor of the punchline however was sort of ruined by the shovelknight's dialogue when he reacts, it made the whole thing seem a bit amateur, like you couldn't come up with a funny way to end the joke so you just made him swear a bunch.
Nice, thank you so much for your comment.
I think everyone has it's own idea of humor, we did this not with the intention to be funny, but because the idea make us laugh... a lot.
Hopefully our following work can coincide with your idea of humor. =)
I think you got a typo with the title.
It's the first comment we got when uploading. xD
The title box supressed the "Y", title was too long.