Still the pain resides
Its down deep inside.
But we must abide.
And learn to place it aside.
We lost our goal
We lost our soul
Yet we survive
And still provide
The pain is great
It makes us wait
It makes us hate
but its not to late
I liked it. Still its sad... I might have lived something else. But I know the pain of waiting and how the cold long nights feels... But I promised myself one thing when I was a kid. If I die. I shall die falling forward. Probably taking a bullet for someone else. Seems achievable.
No matter the pain, no matter the times. We cannot die. We cannot give up. How many years have we spent studying, how many years have we spent working, how many years have we spent loving and caring? Should we let all this go to waist and end us before the time as actually come? Or should we at least make one last person smile...I never knew love, I never understood reunions. As long as we shall live we shall have an effect and it may subside even after death... In those times just open your eyes. Or open your arms.
Never knew love. But I know solitude. In the end you just got to decide to be friend with yourself and silence. If you stay there the world will move around you. If you stay alone you shall never change. The only remedy is meet people and walk forward no matter the pain.
A gamble. Dig your own grave, or dig to find your own gold mine.