good work
Before you leave any reviews please not that this was a quick school project, I didn't go all out with the drawing or any stuff like that. It's on here for record, and because it's pretty entertaining otherwise. This was finished on November 9 I just forgot to put it up here.
The Book I review is called The Crossroads.
good work
Why do I have a feeling this is going to be rated negatively for your voice?
I thought this was a funny little animation/review/whatever you wanna call it. Like, it's probably drawing from the few other shows like that, but I thought it was really fitting for a school project.
Never read The Crossroads... But it sounds like that type of story that's generic, yet it still seems good to the average person. I'd probably read it even if it was bad.
Rating: 3.5. Even though there probably wasn't a lot of effort set into the animation, I thought your critique and description of the book was pretty funny on its own. You made it sound like essentially any old horror story. I just don't like the constant "M'kays", they get a little overused.
Thought it was fun.
Thanks! I give a little info in the description regarding animation and stuff!
I r8 this 17/pi ur funny!