Adobe Animation.........................
Made With Adobe Flash, took about a whole week to build animate, line up and export the Video, It's my first practice!
Adobe Animation.........................
HEy, I got the fact that is your first movie , but I cannot understand anything out of it , now watch it yourself and tell me what's ur opinion 'bout it. But for a bigginer that animation ain't that bad . Just keep it up I want to see how you evolve
Wit the backgrounds aside, you got some pretty interesting stuff going on. The effects were good, and the head rotation was spot on. The nose moving as the mailman turned his head was spot on. Nice job.
Still better than quack pack.
Is Disney x YouTube the worst thing in the world?
the new mickey mouse are both on Youtube & Disney Channel!
What you have is pretty decent, but where's the rest of the story? It's hard to rate a good, half-story. :\
i am writing the rest but my computer hard drive is getting fixed!