I almost watch history of valentine's day last year
St Valentine, responsible for Saint Valentine's Day. A day of romantic love, a day for heart shaped boxes of chocolates and bunches of roses. But, what exactly did St Valentine do to make this a day for lovers? We'll here's the full unedited story of this not so innocent saint.
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I almost watch history of valentine's day last year
the history of saint valentine
An informative and brutally discouraging Valentine saga! Though the occasion sure has evolved since then. It's no longer a holiday of pedophalia but of... consumption. Buying stuff. Making the filfthy rich filthily richer! Nice work.
Good job. Keeping the animation simplistic allows for easier absorption of the story being told. The helicopter scene of course took me by surprise...quite like Bruno did. Anyways, I'd like to think I learned something today. Toota-loo!