karri on lsd
This guy just never stops. Maybe it's the music he's running from. This was submitted as an entry in LoopDeLoop's loop competition themed "GO"
karri on lsd
to look down on.
the cattle that stoneglare upon us mere mortals.
Such a mindfuck! how did you done so smooth animation? you have a great techniques
I draw until my hand hurts.
I have to compliment you on having a short loop win an award. It does seem like a bit of a waste. I mean, I can just see your other cartoons that have stuff like this. I think the guy's face was a snowman. I will give you points for being creative. It seems more like a test.
There are other websites where this would be more suitable. The sounds and music are quite good. All short loops are going to be annoying after awhile. I can certainly recognize your style. I just now noticed the elbow nipples.
The master of colorful psychedelic loops does it again. :D Gets somewhat tiresome to watch after a while, but twas a creative trip. Keep up the crazy work man!