It gets boring after the first ten minutes, and medals don't work.
How far can you go!?
use ARROW keys to move and jump.
Spacebar / Enter / Click START -- Starts
Simple recreation of a demo from Construct 2.
I wanted to get use to the style of this game type.
I appreciate feedback, and would love to see this grow with those who play(ed) it!
version 1.0.0
-added first layout, character, high score
version 1.1.0
- Changed start button to Space bar / Enter / Clicking
- Platforms change to random colors after a while
- Added Music
- Bug fixes
version 1.2.0 ( Current )
- Added coins
- Added shop
> purchase skin colors
> purchase headband colors [Next update]
> purchase backgrounds(maybe) [Next Update]
version 1.3.0 (Within a few weeks)
- Will add progression system
> weak jumps, mobility
> upgrades into shop
> possible save feature
> save game feature
> reach a distance to move to next area
It gets boring after the first ten minutes, and medals don't work.
Currently working on it.
One word: MUSIC. And then the game is pretty much perfect.
This is usually hard to find, however I will search for something!
I really enjoyed playing this game, but maybe a few things need to change...
if you made it so that to start you press space, that way i can keep my hands on my keyboard, and not have to switch constantly from mouse to keyboard, just to click in the same place.
the money idea is great, it would make the game even more addictive, and my final advice, change the colour of the platform, or the terrain to make it more interesting.
Good luck!
I like the colored platform idea. I will keep that in mind!
I also understand the logic behind using the mouse versus the space bar.
Thanks for your input!
I think it could be better. Don't misunderstand, I like this kind of simple games. You mentioned it in the Author comments; try to add diffrent modes e.g. add mines, let the screen pass faster. And the most important thing is to add an impressing music. If you work on these things, i'm sure it will be a really good game.