...this is frankly sad, I am struggling to see the "artistic prowess", that a select few people are complimenting you with, at least some of your other *shiver* "games" you have produced were... interesting?
.It's unique
.It functions as a game
1)First and foremost, the game has no direction, although not all games need an ultimate objective to be valid, this game has a distinct lack of theme and purpose, and a lack of appeal if you will, with from my perspective no audience interest in mind.
2)Secondly, there is little done to refine the content provided, as your spelling has clearly gone unchecked, and the layout is bland and uninteresting when taking into account the type of game you are tackling here.Games like this NEED a particular style that relates to the intended theme, but what am I talking about, this game has no theme.
3)Thirdly, although the prospect of something being boring or uninteresting is a subjective topic, this game, at it's core will maintain interest for a VERY short period of time, even after claiming it's a game of "self discovery", which I believe to be a bullshit claim, as I discovered nothing during the course of playing that even remotely peeked my interest.
4)Fourthly, at this current point in time, this type of game has become more uncommon and done significantly more unprofessionally than before-hand and this game highlights what a lack of focus can result in, with blank backdrops and a misplaced icon which certainly does not fit whatever your intended product was, I found little to embrace.
from the looks of it you think you are some kind of hidden artistic genius, yet in reality I find you to be a flash developer (and I use that term very loosely), that doesn't know what appeal or immersiveness can and should be. If you are indeed intending for this game to be an "artistic piece", and not something intended for amusement or fun, then I would understand in that aspect, but GUESS WHAT, this game is a pointless, not abstract, POINTLESS, piece of shit.
I have been gone from newgrounds a while, and now that im back i plan on bringing a more critical viewpoint to the table, and I will be sure to critique any of your future "projects" in the same manner.