That was awesome! Keep up the great work!
Well well this is an animations I've been waiting for months to release since I started working on it. Its a scene for my episodic flash animation Sonic: A World of Chaos and it should be awesome hopefully just by looking at this animation. I want to give a very very big thank you to Exorz who helped me so much even before this animation. Check out his channel by visiting my Youtube he is an awesome animator his videos are more than badass! Thank you again for watching and enjoy! Check my youtube channel for more works
That was awesome! Keep up the great work!
make it super sonic VS Metallix
the animation and details were great but in my pc the voices and sounds were kinda muffled and interrupted but i didnĀ“t mind it at all
This is SO Epic. You are so good at sprites.
It's just awesome dude. :D
Jesus damn, that was intense.
Aside from the prolonged scenes, this got me invested in it!