nice bedtime story for kids...
Short animated nursery rhyme about living on benefit's in Britain.
Written and Narrated by Paul Dugmore.
Animated By Dugster and Mooy.
Paul Youtube channel
nice bedtime story for kids...
Okay, so what's wrong with this movie? Well to begin with, the joke and story is terrible. "Cameron made her live in a shoe." I don't get it. It may be because I'm American, and may not get the political humor of it, but that doesn't excuse the blandness of the joke. It should be funny without precondition. The characters are unlike-able, and barely have any personality.
The animation is weird, the way the body parts on each person moves looks unnatural. This is especially true when the old woman's face moved. The art style looks horrendous, from the colors, to the shape of the bodies. There is no harmony with the colors, the combinations used look quite ugly. The anatomy of the bodies are way off. Now this would be excuse-able if there was some sort of balance with each design, but some of the characters have huge heads and tiny T. Rex arms.
The voice acting isn't necessarily terrible, but it is really mediocre and really doesn't fit in with the rest of the movie. The sound effects weren't very good either, you could tell they were stock sounds. But, the absolute worst effect was when the elderly woman was crying at the end. That was seriously creepy and frightening, the sound didn't even sync with her mouth! As for the music, it was very average, but not bad.
Overall, this needs some improvement. It was odd and uncomfortable. It wasn't very enjoyable, and had little aesthetic value.
Okay, I've always had the understanding that animation/cartoon should not be too life like. This was made by myself and my brother in about 3 days, I'm guessing that as your an American you have no idea of all the changes that Mr cameron has made to the benefits system over the past 2 years (Yes people have been thrown out of there home's and made to move to cheaper accommodation)
But anyway thank for the critique.