What's a bitcoin?
Bitcoin Users In A Nutshell
I'm a bitcoin nerd so naturally i made a bitcoin cartoon!
Don't know what the hell a bitcoin is but interested in learning?
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And my youtube, if that floats your goat
What's a bitcoin?
now it's referenced
yea you forgot 90% of bitcoin users do it for illegal reasons or drugs
This animation made me go look up what all the hubbub was about. Thanks for adding to my situational awareness, and here's hoping that bitcoin catches on.
Animation was good, sound was good. Yeah, there weren't any female bitcoiners, but there is the basement dwellers mom, who's looking pretty good for her age. It would have been nice to see more movement in your characters instead of bobbing heads, mouth movements, and expressions. Keep up the good work, and push toward animation masterpieces. :D
Dogecoin is the only rising USD worth virtal curreny. SO COIN MUCH DOGE VERY DERP WOW