alt title name -paper craft-"rust in a nutshell"
A little skit about the game Rust. What an experience that is
alt title name -paper craft-"rust in a nutshell"
Very interesting, but there really wasn't any clear point or goal or anything really, just a naked man being chased by a mob and I think there was one guy who got eaten by wolves at the end, mildly entertaining for someone of my age (14) but I can see this being halarious to a 9 year old.
The hell I watch O.o
... Anyway so, here my review. I love the odd look and the stiffy aspect, i really don't know why the guys stand naked at the video. But i found it funny ! And the armed guy just deserve to get eat by animals xD 4.5/5 !
Oke, it is really good and it is a true story but i think its just to short if you know what i mean, if you make it longer it would be better.