wow i dominated the world in 1 hour :D great game by the way ^^
The domination between two game is back with massive ultimate armies! Who is better between Battle Gear or Humaliens Battle? You decide!
Press [Left/Right arrows] or [A]/[D] to scroll the field. Press [Z] or [C] keys to fast scroll to the left or right edge of battlefield. Press [Up/Down arrows] or [W]/[S] to control the arrow sign (only for manual troops appear). Press [P] to pause the game. Click units to train or use [1..9] hotkeys. Read in game instructions.
wow i dominated the world in 1 hour :D great game by the way ^^
Great game!
I couldn't even get past the first mission, my units killed some of them but as soon as they got up to the base they laid down to shoot it and kept doing that doing no damage while the enemy went past them and continuously swung a the helicopter behind them to no avail.