Don't get to many Zelda roguelikes
Move: WASD or Arrows
Aim: Mouse
Cast: Left Click
Change Spells: QE or Mouse Scroll
Book Of Potentia is a randomly generated dungeon crawler where you play as a sorceress on her journey to retrieve her stolen spell book. You fight through 4 stages with 8 different types of enemies using 4 different types of spells.
Don't get to many Zelda roguelikes
I like this is game!!
Good luck!!!
Wow, a rogue-like in Zelda style! Awesome concept. The game is fun, not too long, and not too tough. I found the room-switching mechanic to be a little jarring, but that might be because I was expecting an automatic shift like in Zelda. You might have intended for this, because the slowdown helps to make sure monsters don't ambush you.The boss is the only serious challenge, but he was alright. Enough to frustrate me a little bit, but not too bad when you get the hang of it. Some crazy-ass programmers would have had him spitting out a constant stream of projectiles while sending monsters to kill you, all while the player tries to line up a shot. The safe spots are regularly compromised by the summoned monsters, which keeps to pressure on.
The graphics are fine, and the music is really good. I especially liked the crystalline theme on the ice level and the intensity of the music on the earth level.
My biggest concern is this: if you're going to have an delayed attack mechanic, you must give the character the ability to break her attack before she's finished. I won't complain about the whole charged attack feature, because that's part of the tactical mastery in the game, but I got hit too many times because I was unable to turn and run away after I had started an attack. This is was especially rough on the boss. You'd get penalized anyway by losing the attack and having to restart it somewhere else, but rooting the character in place against enemies that move quickly and/or unpredictably is frustrating.
Some suggestions:
Second, some keymapping options would be nice. Q and E for spell switching is probably very easy for most people, but I had trouble with it. Maybe we should be able to select spells just by clicking on the with mouse.
The boss's dark red form seems to be invincible. This took me my by surprise, because I assumed it was weak to ice (being red). It would be cool if the player turned a specific color when she was invincible, and the boss turned the same color when he was. That would be a clever clue as to when he can't be hurt.
Some more power-ups would be nice, although maybe in a longer game. There could be powers that make your magic rebound off walls, boosts that make your shots stronger against two-hit monsters, or maybe something that allows all of your magic to hit any monster. There could be something that speeds up her casting time. The items are random and they last a very short time, so I don't think it would overpower the heroine. To balance them, you could also have bad effects, like "paralyze" or "unable to shoot." This would make opening boxes more of a gamble. Would it be worth it?
Glitch: I noticed that monsters sometimes got trapped and stood against the wall, just walking in place. Happened most often while fighting the boss.
All in all, this a fun little game that should appeal to casual players. Great work.
Thank you for the honest review I'm glad to hear you liked the game!
Currently to switch spells you can either click Q and E or scroll with mouse wheel. Clicking on the spell would have been a good idea to implement.
The boss fight consist of him switching to different forms, when he goes dark red that means he is in fire mode and you have to attack him with wind. A good way to remember the weakness is its always the spell to the left. fire->ice->earth->wind->fire. This was done this way because we wanted to focus a very paper scissor rock style combat.
"Some more power-ups would be nice, although maybe in a longer game" You got it perfect. This was meant to be a shorter game but more power ups would be awesome! I Especially like the idea of having the negative effects, Who knows maybe some day we will revisit this game and add a lot of new features. Especially the magic bounce off walls!
love it!! <3
This game was so fun and addictive I had to make an account and show off some love to the creator. Very fun addictive game. Easy to understand but challenging as you progress. With more work I'm sure that this game could rival big hits like " Issac". The leading shot aspect takes it from a 'Spam and hold down' kind of a game to a type of game where aiming is a necessity. @DenyingProduct. Keep doing you and I hope you keep Digress Games climbing in this direction.