Couldn't quite tell the difference between Yami or Seto, also if Seto was going first how did yami already have trap hole? But still pretty close on how the actual cartoon series would have worked, insert b.s. card here.
My second animation for NG. Thought of it while i was cooking garlic.
Couldn't quite tell the difference between Yami or Seto, also if Seto was going first how did yami already have trap hole? But still pretty close on how the actual cartoon series would have worked, insert b.s. card here.
Quite funny and random. The sound/voice acting was cool, Try and have more character facial/body movement and your next will be even better.
that was pretty friggin hilarious1 i think you need to have them move around a bit more but the way they mover around was pretty funn
Pretty much sums up Yugioh.