not bad. not something somebody can finish in one sitting though, regardless of whether or not you have to start over from the beginning (i really feel there should be a save/checkpoint system). that'd just be too frustrating, even the finish is immensely satisfying. wasn't expecting the Doodle God theme for the boss fight or credits, that brings back memories.
gotta say, that Mentally Disabled badge threw me for a loop: i did once spend a load of lives throwing myself at the "not-the-right-shape circle" in the Geometry Realm figuring that was it. wasn't expecting something linked from the credits/ending page. that was really confusing considering its place in the medals list.
never did get the ???? medal. bummer. thought it was a no cheat badge. (mildly difficult when it's so easy to accidentally bump a button or the pad, but do-able). guess not.... must've missed something. bugger.
lastly, all that flashing near the end of the game. DON'T DO THAT. thank god i'm not an epileptic. even so, it still friggin' hurts like hell. not as much with my eyes closed, but still... hot damn....