This is a boring animation, the first Stanville Episode1 was good though this plain sucks..
At long last, Stainville 4 arrives on Newgrounds. Despite the animation being finished since February, several setbacks hampered the final product coming to fruition. However, after a several months, we finally got our shit together.
This episode explores some new locations in Stainville High School, particularly the library and the school's ventilation system.
Music once again provided by the irreplaceable talents of piggemz.
This is a boring animation, the first Stanville Episode1 was good though this plain sucks..
i love hearing the background voices..
"hes got a dick on his forehead"
Id love to see an episode 5!!!
this is really funny and id love to see more!
In the first couple episodes, it was a nominal reflection of actual school life.
With each successive installment, we've gone further and further towards the internal/fanciful interpretation of it. This is what you'd expect to hear in a game of telephone or read a troll post.
It's funky, it's over-the-top, and it doesn't match 1-for-1 with reality("did it ever, tho?"). This is more a reflection of a teenager's impression of high school goings on, as opposed to the (warped) reality of it.
"It's been a weird cartoon since Episode One, Harlequin!" you say
Yes, I know. Alpha-Nuva's just letting his freak flag fly a little higher. It's good stuff, especially for exercising storyboarding/keys while still letting go. I appreciate the fuck out of it, even if I'd be interested to see what AN would do animating the Prince (from Snow White).
It's a good cartoon. Frustrating that each episode takes longer and longer, but it's one dude. It takes the time that it takes and it's obvious it's being done for fun more than anything else.
I have three zits right next to my nose and they're all really annoying
love it