i love that guy.... i want one would love to see more of him ^_^ <3
my art asignment done in 3 days, it had to have something to do with environments and stuff so thats what the thing with the seed and the tree is all about. The music is Rainy Devil from Bakemonagatari, not that i actually finished watching that show, i just like the music.
i love that guy.... i want one would love to see more of him ^_^ <3
Awesome animation, especially for one made in three days.
This is awesome! The action scenes and camera angles are great. The plot is interesting and entertaining. I really like it.
Furi Kuri!
This video is full of so much yes.
cool visuals? yup
unusual, but entertaining plot? yeah
awesome music? double yes
over the top sfx? omgyes
love it