haha he's drawing a butt
This is taken out of the animators survival kit
haha he's drawing a butt
Could use some easing and also more complete drawings around the animation, but otherwise decent. I would revamp the movements a bit more before polishing it.
OK. good start, nice animation, but when you decide to do an animation, you must add something a bit more than just 3 seconds of something cool, and than have it loop forever.
this seems like a lack of effort, and it will make people to be angry at you, or even to call you a lazy artist.
and you are not bad at animating, thats the problem.
you seem good and promising.
so, if you will do a sequel to this, submit a movie with this character DOING something, and a movie that has a start, a middle, and an ending.
you can do it.
This is what I must do