LOL that was fun
Inspired by this video:
Click on the ground to move mamma duck and her duckies will follow. Try to get to the other side of the highway trying to keep them alive, or at least, most of them.
LOL that was fun
Oh my gosh! I can't believe I found this game! I've wanted to play it ever since I saw Pewds play it, but then I forgot the name of the game... But now I finally found it and I'm just so happy! ^-^
Strangely enough, it was the great graphics that drew me to this game, and it still does. Also, I like the little news title thingy, it's really creative and it helps me know how many duckies are still alive!
Great game, from a great author! :3
did pewds really played my game?
I like this game, i've try hard on it.
You added some effects of the wind on duckies when you are just near the car's wheels, what a good non-mistake ^^. But something makes the game too easy to avoid wheels of cars. When you make the duck rotating, duckies move very very fast to go behind their mother.
So when you go on the left you just have to go up when the car is coming and no duck is down.
I think you should make this more real than it is.
The idea of the "news" was great ;)
Really well done, I like it. Not just for the use of what looks like actual video but for keeping it real (ducks safe under the car between wheels). How ever I deduct one star for realism's sake. A lot of people will swerve when coming up on animals.