good game but from developer to developer, you may want to learn another lenguaje lets say html5 or someting flash isn't really used anymore
I'm just tryin' to figure out Flash right now and so I made a practice game in which you dodge enemies to get points. Using the shield makes you invincible, but you lose lots of points.
good game but from developer to developer, you may want to learn another lenguaje lets say html5 or someting flash isn't really used anymore
Is this retro-Jam on NG? These "games" look and feel like they came out in 2000.
Even though it was weird, it made me laugh, and the music is great!
Acitvate/deactivate has big delay. Unpleasant music. Bad.
Nice try!
The game works just fine and has Sound (most test games don't and that annoys me xD)
Very simple but all works well, not sure about the main char being a poo however xD
Good luck in the future Wark! :D