cool one
that was a cool animation.... a rather disturbing and twisted plot and concept to this one, but that made this one good. the graphics were pretty nice and your efforts were good too.
i liked this one... but it was pretty twisted though.
Lonelines drives Red to dig up his dead mother's corpes.
World peaz,
Anotha "Motion Piantin'" by Nexxus6.
cool one
that was a cool animation.... a rather disturbing and twisted plot and concept to this one, but that made this one good. the graphics were pretty nice and your efforts were good too.
i liked this one... but it was pretty twisted though.
Very good
You can play a cd of haunted house sound effects, I wish I had that much talent. Coincidentally, are you familiar with sarcasm?
no no. thats bad. thats very bad. no
Flawless flash like this makes me envious. I'm trying to work on a few but I keep getting frustrated with all the technical crap, plus I don't have the time to spend going around in circles.
How do you do the "painted" look? I've been trying to do that in paintshop pro 7 with real photos but I can't figure it out. I think that is the coolest style.
Anyways, I read all my replies, so I hope you can help!
Not bad.
You used a little too much trace bitmap (I know, to bring the file size down), but at least it looked like you might have actually modelled what was traced beforehand....the end result still wasn't all that pretty though :(
The use of sound was excellent, however. It gave the movie a sense of atmosphere.