Highly informative! Seeing your layering and perspective cheats is very interesting. I would also like to know what program you were working in. It looks like you used custom brushes for some of the foliage.
These were three paintings I did, all three in one day. I thought I'd save the stages and share them so others can see my messy, not recommended way that I cobble together scenes in my projects.
Highly informative! Seeing your layering and perspective cheats is very interesting. I would also like to know what program you were working in. It looks like you used custom brushes for some of the foliage.
I did these in photoshop, the brushes are foliage brushes I made myself. Yeah, I learned actually form watching Bob Ross, that he always painted form the farthest back, to the front, with layers. I just try to recreate that in photoshop with actual layers. Thanks!
Well, now I know why all my artwork sucks.
The monekeys are in trouble
The process behind those pictures is quite fascinating!
Wow man they are all awesome! Im so jelly , your backgrounds are simply beautiful. You should consider making more detailed versions and selling them for prints , seriously!