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Filipo was sent to space! help the Sean Pool get his friend back! But watch out, there is evil unknown in the galaxy oooo

Song: Mirai Nikki theme song.
NOTE:Its not our song but its pretty funky c;

Based on the hit youtube series "TRCA"

Thank you SO MUCH!! This project is now published to the site! Thank you for all your good reviews and comments!

Part 2 coming soon!

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Boring, all the powerups look the same, bad graphics. Also, no end. Took me a while to realize it, since I basically had a draw with the last enemy five times. But I see it now, and it's kind of depressing. At least I can listen to Maria Nikki Opening on endless loop. And it must have been fun enough for me to have tried six times.

TRCA responds:

1:The graphics are not supposed to be amazing (look at series)
2:The powerups are meant to look the same so you get a random one each time
3:Once you beat the final boss (at 10,000 points) the story ends but we give you the option to get a higher score
But anyway thanks for the review.

Hahah) It was quite funny, and the song fits good too

TRCA responds:

Thank you for then feedback! We look forward to making the game better in part two or just another game :).

- Boring
- Not Enough enemies
+ Works
- Choppy Frame-rate
+ Controls good
+ Alright Sounds
++ Future Diary Opening! Tippy Toppers!
- Not new concepts

2 and a half stars.

Cant wait for your next one.

Theres very little room for the character to move around, so thats a problem when you have many aliens coming after you at the same time.

TRCA responds:

Thats what made it challenging, its absoulutely not meant to be easy.

Nice job. Looking forward to part 2.

TRCA responds:

Thanks!!!! We will look forward to making it :)

Credits & Info

3.66 / 5.00

Jul 8, 2014
5:14 AM EDT