Too... many... FEEEEELS! Lol seriously though, I liked this a lot, and think you did a great job on this. P.S. screw that damn cat.
Production Notes:
The story in this episode is inspired by feelings of nostalgia and how something as simple a blanket can trigger powerful memories.
The entire episode was animated using Flash on a Cintiq. Working on this project has really let me test out my abilities not only with drawing and telling a story but also with creating the soundtrack and FX.
I’m quite proud that I managed to plonk out all the heartfelt tunes in Garageband. Also all the voice work and Foley were recorded in my room. Certain sounds were fun like figuring out how to replicate a smash by dropping some Lego and a harmonica. Finally the single parent cats voice was mine. I had a good laugh. :)
© Eric Cao 2014
Too... many... FEEEEELS! Lol seriously though, I liked this a lot, and think you did a great job on this. P.S. screw that damn cat.
Awsome and heart touching!
(Just like Ota said, improved!)
very nice kinda sad movie when he saved the cat that was an awesome scene but then the mother cat rejected him.the Puppy has a strong, pure heart and shows genuine concern he will find his family one day no matter what it takes :) Thx look forward to future episodes:)
Thanks glad to hear you liked it. I'm starting to plan the next episode now.
sad i hope hell find his family
Thank you for watching! One day he'll find what he's searching for.