THUMBS down haye it!
A Short 2D platformer, made within a week by team of 5 Animation students whom had never coded before.
Made in UNDER 5 days.
We know there are problems and its not perfect but we're pretty happy with what we achieved.
By Team BeeMole
THUMBS down haye it!
It was a bit shady . . . But I liked it. Continue your work.
Although the game is a bit wonky like you guys and the viewers understand, I must say that it has very beautiful graphics, which explains why 5 animators were enough to make this look good.
I'd mention the flaws, but it seems other reviewers has gotten that down.
This game isn't very good at all, I noticed that I fell through platforms, the music stops, there is no medals ( but that's just a nitpick), there's no enemies ( at least I didn't see any), the graphics aren't good, the time limit is too short, and why make him a doctor? He doesn't even use the needle! I do like the gameplay though, which is nice and classic, and I like the music. This game had potential, but you should've worked on it longer, then I think it would've been good.
Hey there guys, (To everyone)
Thanks for the mostly negative feedback but;
This game was made in a competition, made by 5 ANIMATION students, whom had NEVER coded before.
The game was made in under 5 days.
We know there are problems and we know its not perfect.
We know it should be better, but for students who never coded, and made in under 5 days we were quite happy with what we made!
Very floaty and I fell through the platforms more times than I care to remember.
The hard path should not be hard merely because you didnt program platforms properly.
As said above, we have never coded before and the game was made in under 5 days. We know it has problems.