You get better each time. My advise is to just keep doing what you're doing. You seem to have good instincts. I'll keep an eye out, Good Luck!
this is a demo of my new game /kju:b/
so it may have a few bugs and all sounds may not be added,
im putting it up mainly for feedback on what i can improve in the game and what will make the game better . the game is inspired by (thomas was alone and fez)
im not a great game developer but i love to try and make games
and any help i can get is great appreciated
please enjoy the demo
updates coming
better death
better ai
less bugs lol
more levels
and more
You get better each time. My advise is to just keep doing what you're doing. You seem to have good instincts. I'll keep an eye out, Good Luck!
thanks thats really appreciated , im not to sure where to go with this game tho , i enjoy making short games , that are 4 or 5 levels long with a short story like narration or something in them
have u got any ideas?
Physics are way frustrating and off
yeah there is alot of problems with it but i just gotta keep at it and sort them out
thanks for trying it tho
Looks good!
thanks alot , glad you like it