Hey guys, that animation was created by me in 18 hours... *dat sleepless night* So, that was my first trying to sync animation to music how previous me did. I don't know successfull it or not, i just turned off my brain and was animating it 18 hours in a row... Those 18 hours gone like ussualy 2 for me. I still can't explain to myself how i animate stuff like this. Everything i made is made subconsciously, because i even didn't think. what move i was should do. Every time i turn my brain on i draw shitty animations and it makes me sad. I still can't remember anyone of you. Only persons i remember are Nhazul, Tentionmaru, Ichimaruu and Ceroblitz. So, i still belive i will return my knowledge about stick animating and i will remember you like i did before. I'm so sorry for that accident... And i'm sorry that i don't remember anyone of you... So, anyway, enjoy this animation! I did it for you!
P. S. Thank you, guys, who wtill supporting me in that hard moment of my life... That animation is like "Thank you" to everyone!
P. S. S. Scarves are awesome! :D
P. S. S. S. Grand thanks to Nhazul and Hyun for their tutorials! I learned flash very fast and even created my own preloader!
its sync very well, however if feel like its a bit choppy. I realize that this was done in less than a day so it is very well done fort he time constraint. I enjoyed it a lot thanks.
DANG looks like the blue guy got pissed off about something BUT I GIVE THIS 5/5 AWESOME ANIMATION AWESOME MUSIC!!!!!!!!
Cool! You did a great job syncing this! I cant believe it took only 18 hours, mine took like 4 months. What was the frame rate on this anyway? Please answer!
Thanks! I really glad that you like it. It's 24 fps.