The gameplay was simplistic at best, but as it wasn't a TDS (more so a format similar), simply allowing the player to brush up on their dodging skills, as well as basic hand eye coordination makes this pretty fun. That being said, there isn't enough direction allowing players to fully understand what their next move should be. Something as simple as an intro to each level would help to ready players for the stage. I only made it to the fire ninja then died in one hit as apparently the damage tick set for the enemy ticks by the moment. I also found it a bit difficult to read the hit-boxes on some of the objects as it seemed I could pass through a few of the obstacles by barely a millimeter to their sides, but then would crash before I even reached the next one. Another problem I seem to have is that when I hold the up arrow to move towards the top of the screen I only slightly reach the middle before the screen starts to scroll off of the game; might be a problem on my end, or perhaps it can be fixed with a screen-lock command... unsure. I'd like to replay it and see what you can do with any updates. Either way it was pretty fun and the music was pretty great.