Just started my new part time job yesterday. Pretty much how I felt on my way to work. God, I would rather be animating.
This ones a lot shorter than some of my other stuff, but theres a lot going on in this one. Most of the elements were drawn in Photoshop, then put together in After Effects (my first real attempt at it), tentacle monster guy is stop motion captured using Dragon Frame. Enjoy!
Just started my new part time job yesterday. Pretty much how I felt on my way to work. God, I would rather be animating.
so true lol
Hahaha, I love that song. Well paired with the animation. Any lonner than 20 seconds and I may have gotten bored, but 20 seconds for the movie was a perfect length to just enjoy the scenery, lol.
funny and entertaining but needs a little work
What did I just watch.