God this was funyy xD
It seems like you never get the good (Insert Champion Name Here) on your team. But the enemy teams always do. This is my exaggerated animated parody of "My Team vs Enemy Team" with Teemo.
Just started to learn how to animate a few months ago. This is my first project. The audio is kinda off sometimes because im very new at this. Go easy on me ^^
God this was funyy xD
Lesson: Don't feed the enemy Teemo! :D
pretty funny and i'm sure you'll get better at animating with time cause the animation was a little sloppy !
i liked that "this is sparta" !! LMAOO
did Xin transform inti Lee btw ? o_O
Based soley on animation you would recieve a three (leaning more on three and a half) but the side by sides just felt kind of...bitchy to me..it felt like someone was just openly whining about something....on a public platform...like vloging but instead of being a douche you decided to animate it....
which is a better way to express it in the long run....but maybe placing this in comedy wasn't the right move...because if anything the jokes were purely referential...i did actually laugh when teemo was chasing people down because that scenario is just fucking hilarious but aside from that i was not really digging it...
it was perfect for expressing the feeling but...it was too obvious and ends up taking up more space covering this relatable concept than it does actually making the viewer laugh...
I can so relate to this. You made me giggle. good job working with this. Keep practicing, you'll get better in no time.
You may want to change the volume around a bit.
You completed the content, now work on the additionnals features. Play with them, find your style. Animation won't always be enough to make people see what you want them to see. Find the right timings to surprise the audience.
I loved the reference to farmville, i bet many people can relate. There's always THAT casual player around that doesn't even try to play the game fully. Maybe you could have put a better emphasis on it. Or maybe you should've put it somewhere it needs the most (teamfight, for instance. I didnt feel the "team" there, it was more of a continuous slaughter than a "team effort". But then again, maybe the "team" part wasn't necessary to begin with. It made the whole video seems like a "okay" when it could be a "good" or even "pretty good" one.).
You'll go far. You have what it takes and I can see that. The visual effects are great, just perfect for the purpose. But aren't you limiting yourself in your ideas? It's the feeling I get after watching this.
You'll be seeing me around next time you post something ;)