this was a very good idea but you should have a online mode. also their is already a 4 player chess game it's called Bug house
A chess variant for 4 players that I built over a weekend.
Click to begin the game.
Press 'R' to reset the board.
Press 'Z' to undo the last move.
The current player is denoted by the highlighting on the board.
Select a piece by clicking, then select one of the legal moves.
The turns rotate clockwise around the board.
Your King will be highlighted if they are in check.
Moves that place your King in check will show an X.
Pawns are promoted to Queens if they cross the entire board.
this was a very good idea but you should have a online mode. also their is already a 4 player chess game it's called Bug house
I really like the idea, I always appreciate multiplayer games, as it is always fun to play with friends, but I thought that there were nothing really interesting or attractive on the graphics, no sound either...even though it is chess could be a bit more modern as it is a new approach with 4 players. As other people mention, it should have a option to play against the computer or at least online multiplayer, then you could play alone or with one, two or three friends.
If only I have friend
I have never seen a 4 way chess game on the internet before.
I hope this pass judgment and get uploaded on to newgrounds.
Well made and I love chess, but it needs an AI or perhaps a simple online mode. I have 4 friends but the question is do I have 4 friends who like chess and want to crowd around a single computer to play.