count thieves
count oppositionists
count humans
count cars
count cats
count cigarettes
count young girls
Hornemann, C. (2024), Score 31/99, 3* !
Police State is a tower defense game where, instead of killing enemies, you monitor their movements. The goal of the game is to stop 100 crimes. You lose the game by causing 20 Wrongful Deaths. The siren makes the Criminals move slightly faster. The camera's line of sight is blocked by buildings and citizens. Hitting people with your police cruiser kills them and adds to the wrongful deaths. The three difficulties modify the population density. The higher difficulties have a higher population density and are more taxing on your system.
--Police Cruiser
WASD Controls the Police Cruiser.
E Turns the siren on.
Q Turns The siren off.
Holding down the LMB over the camera drags it
Releasing LMB drops the camera.
R Mutes the Sound
F Unmutes The Sound
Other Info:
You can move cameras, but it costs 250.
If you drop the camera over the Score Area or a building, you get the refund of 500 if it is the first time it is placed or 250 if you moved it.
Cameras have a range of ~1.5 City Blocks.
There is one known, but minor, bug that I can not fix; If you turn on the siren while muted, it will not play when it is un-muted. This is easily fixed by turning the siren off and on again.
This uses exactly 100 Events.
count thieves
count oppositionists
count humans
count cars
count cats
count cigarettes
count young girls
Hornemann, C. (2024), Score 31/99, 3* !
Yeah, it's pretty easy to see why this wasn't popular. It was just too poorly designed. I did not have much control over my vehicle. I'm not sure if that was part of the job. There was too much going on to really understand it all. I don't even see what this has to do with the future.
I'm thinking maybe it was about crime in the future? I imagine "Minority Report"'s much better. The sound wasn't too good either. I haven't found a lot of good games here. I am sorry.
Ok so the concept has potential, but the game is lacking. Also calling this a tower defense is a little misleading.
The objective of the game is a little confusing: "...instead of killing enemies, you monitor their movements. The goal is to stop 100 crimes."
So I'm trying to stop crimes, and once I stop 100 I win. That's all well and good, a clear objective, but what crimes am I stopping?
How are your representing a crime?
-Some of the people seem to be colored yellow, are they the criminals?
-Are they always yellow, or only after committing a crime?
-Do they commit multiple crimes?
-What crimes are being committed? all I see are dots moving around, are their murders taking place, theft, burglaries?
-Are criminals breaking into businesses?
I see the pedestrians moving, mostly on sidewalks (thats good) but they don't seem to react to the siren if they are in a crosswalk. Maybe getting them to move out of the crosswalk and roads if they are within a 1.5 block radius of the cruiser.
Try making a toggle button in a corner for muting/unmuting, this is or in a pause menu is really the best way to mute/unmute.
What do the cameras do? What is the point of having them? Do cameras deter criminals?
The in game economy seems a little out of whack, I was easily able to place a camera at every intersection, if they can see 1.5 blocks then I had the entire map covered without running out of money. Maybe try adding other forms of surveillance: wire taps, private security, surveillance units that would set up in a building to watch the street outside/building across the street. Each of these could have a cost. Try tying the players ability to prevent crime to their budget, if the player prevents crime they get more money, if the criminals get away, then they dont get money. Which actually seems a little backwards, maybe reverse that, the more criminals escaping, the more money in your budget. If your stopping all the crime, why would the city keep throwing money at you.
I would ditch the control of one cruiser and add multiple officers/cruisers that would each have a price tag (every cruiser costs $x per sec, every patrol officer costs $y per sec) you could control them by dragging boxes around them to select units and clicking an area on the map to direct their attention to said area.
Anyways those are just some of the ideas that came to mind during my play-through.
Good luck on your future projects!
1. Some of the people seem to be colored yellow, are they the criminals?
-The yellow people are criminals that have been detected. Criminals that have not been detected are green.
2. Are they always yellow, or only after committing a crime?
-They are yellow after they are detected.
3. Do they commit multiple crimes?
-You are supposed to detect the criminals before they commit a crime. Once they commit a crime, they vanish.
4. What crimes are being committed? all I see are dots moving around, are their murders taking place, theft, burglaries?
-Mostly pickpocketing and Robberies.
Most of the things that you wanted added, I wanted added. With my current license, I am limited to 100 events and this is exactly 100 events. If you are playing on harder difficulties, your funding is much slower, to the point that it is $100 every 6 seconds instead of every second. At higher difficulties, there is also a higher population density, which causes cameras to have a hard time maintaining a LOS on criminals.
Cameras detect criminals at half the rate of the police cruiser, but they are automated so you dont have to spend as much time driving around.
The formula for your funding is (100-Crimes stopped). At a higher difficulty, this can be very hard because you could only get $50 ever 6 seconds.
I'm sorry, but while this is a noble first effort the gameplay is lacking to the point where it's unplayable...
How so, can you elaborate?
i like the concept, but some of the way it runs if off...running someone over shouldn't be the only method of killing the criminals, also the car standing still kills anyone who walks into it, being the sidewalk or intersections (that being said, the car isnt fast enough to move away from accidental kills)... if you come out with another version of this game i would like to play it... but for now those are the major flaws i see in the game that need attention...
You are not supposed to kill the criminals. You have to monitor them until you stop the crime. I will fix the no movement kills.
EDIT 9:54 AM 5/19/14 EST: I made the minimum speed for the cruiser to kill someone 20pixels/s, which is more than enough room for error. I made an audible ding for when you stop a crime.