This is the first time where I've been unable to really bring myself to play a game, and it's a shame because Dragon Vs. Liu Kang is such a gripping title.
The music is loud and irritating, especially when you try to play the game and immediately get a bunch of noisy advertisements playing all on top of each other. This was seriously louder than I knew a Flash game could be. I had to turn my volume down for real fear of hearing damage.
When you get into the game proper, you're given exactly one second to learn the controls from a barely-visible tutorial on-screen which suggests that you shoot at the dragons while staying on the platforms. The dragons swarm everywhere to the point where even if you manage to hit a few the game quickly becomes overwhelming. There's a star powerup, but I never found out what it did because I immediately died after grabbing it, you only get one life, and frankly I just couldn't bring myself to sit through the advertisements again to get back into the game.
The controls are floaty and make the game difficult. Liu Kang moves too fast, jumps too high, and in general makes the game unpredictable. It's only by the grace of whatever god amaarweb worships that your bullets fly fast enough to keep the enemy at bay, but trust me you want to spam that fire button, because the dragon hordes are going to build up on you fast.
I know it's unfair of me to judge a game after only playing it for a few seconds, but I think the sheer number of annoying and loud advertisements warrant this game a 1 out of 10.