Well, at least that regime helps our demography much better.
As for the flash. I see what you are trying to tell here. And, as it was said, it's more of a social statement than a game.
But, you know, no one gets beaten by lawmen in Russia just for kissing your homosexual boyfriend. Sure, not everyone likes it, and (as in most countries), some low-intelligent lifeforms can mock at or try to beat the crap out of you if you do it away from normal people. But overall, if you don't shout "Hey, I'm gay! And it's cool, you should be too!", it's perfectly fine. You are free to be of any sex, religion and ideals as long as it doesn't endanger or seriously offend anyone.
After all, no one shouts "Make up only with blonde girls coz' it's the only right thing". So do your study. Being gay and trying to attract attention - those are two big differences, as they say in Odessa.
Graphics are a little too simple (not that I'm complaining), but in some way stylish. Music is only somewhat russian, and batons of RF police are actually black.)) Overall, good try, and that is by a straight russian guy. Just too many politics and too little truth aout our country this days. Oh, well.