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Deity Quest Demo

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Deity Quest is a light-hearted, pokemon-inspired RPG where you play as an ambitious young god, recently assigned to a world - Aberos - to convert followers and gain power. Your goal is to become the Overgod, the highest position among the many gods of Aberos. Develop your divine magic, support your followers in fast-paced 6 vs. 6 battles, adventure through locations, and compete with other deities in your quest to reach the top!

This demo includes the first part of the game. You can buy the full game on our homepage: http://fancyfishgames.com/DeityQuest/

Update v1.1.5:
Added a mini map in locations.
Added a battle log.
Added checkpoints.
Added a second hotbar.
Added more information and notifications.
Added new items.
Added many other tweaks and improvements.

And you can view the soundtrack here: http://ldr.fm/qCGcn


Convert Followers
Discover 128 unique follower types throughout the land of Aberos, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and skills.

Develop as a Deity
Gain powerful magic unique to your alignment to support your followers and smite your enemies.

Explore Aberos
Travel through locations and quests, finding items and secrets, solving puzzles, gaining experience and discovering new followers.

Fight 6 vs. 6 Battles
Use strategy to manage and support your followers as they fight, and get the most out of their individual skills.

Become the Overgod
Race your rival, battle other deities and solve a murder mystery as you strive to become the Overgod of Aberos!

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The typesetting is PAIN on my eyes. Why so much spacing between characters? Why not differentiate titles, labels, and names with different sizes, colors, italics, bolds, etc? The game seems promising, but after I choose fire dragon, the transition screen brings me back to the static image of the temple with the stairs and crud. It's not playable for me.

that single from the archer centaur at lvl. 5
and that noise !
in rest its pretty worth the game !

good game cant wait till it is not a demo.

davidmaletz responds:

Glad you liked the game! The full version has been available since May of 2014 here: http://fancyfishgames.com/DeityQuest/ , and in recent news, it just got greenlit so there'll be an updated version on steam soon.

Really good game. It's nice to see a nice indie game that isn't a puzzle platformer or a roguelike.

I've noticed that for whatever reason my followers would stop dealing damage to opponents and I didn't see any sort of status marker or explanation as to why this would be the case.

davidmaletz responds:

Followers will only stop dealing damage to the opponent if they cannot attack. This is usually because they are Arcane and have run out of mana (if they are Arcane, you'll see a mana bar above the follower), or they are Divine and cannot use your mana (you can set how much of your mana they can use by moving the slider on the big mana bar. Everything to the left of the thumb they can use, but you can only use mana to the right of the thumb for your own spells - so it's a trade-off). You'll regenerate one mana every battle, but if you field a lot of Divine followers, you can often find yourself running out of mana.

My recommendation is to field more Martial followers - they don't need mana for any of their skills and so can always attack (as long as they are in range). Also, if Arcane followers are running out of mana, you can recharge them with grapes or the Recharge spell. Divine followers may be strong (and therefore tempting to field), but having more than one or two will quickly drain your mana. As an aside, some followers (like the Electric Eel) can recharge other arcane followers, so you can use them as a battery to keep your followers fighting longer. The battle system is quite complex, and even though the followers fight by themselves, you can't just sit back and relax, you have to manage them real time :P. There's a pretty in-depth battle guide here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/deity-quest/tutorials/deity-quest-starters-guide , although I bet you don't want to read that!

Credits & Info

3.64 / 5.00

May 1, 2014
2:34 PM EDT