Well I haven't played pokemon in a LONG time so I can't tell the citys. But I do know that they are stretching the game... I guess imagination is infinite, but since they base a lot on actual animals, trying to be original ends up with more and more disturbing aliens in my opinion...
Meh, I don't care if they get French or anything as long as the story is understandable and enjoyable.
the creatures are starting to get so far away... But the concept lives.
"mon">> monster
If you want a real challenge. Try and guess how big there earth is to get all of those places! And still we need to include the fact they might still create future versions. 0.o
I leave you with this: First quiz of this kind I see in newgrounds and I find it interesting and refreshing. Also : Au moins ils n'ont pas changer la langue à chaque version!
--> What I wrote in French is : At least they don't change language at each version. (Imagine version , Arab towns, English, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese and more... It will come one day, but if its 5 gens per switch then were safe for another 10 to 20 games till we hit less common languages.)