This is the kind of video that's probably going to get down-rated for its subject matter, or maybe people who don't quite get some of the more British humour, but I genuinely chuckled at a few parts. Kudos to you guys for making an effort to actually produce something with characters, a universe, that reigns in the pop references and isn't just a lazy one joke parody skit. The voice acting was great.
But I do personally have mixed feelings on this video. The basic premise is funny, and there were some obvious, but funny observations about how paranoid and frankly absurd people can be about Muslims, mosques and whatnot. But I feel the tone shifted, and it strayed away from being absurd, the mundane and ridiculous things small-minded people say and do when it comes to this subject, which was chuckle-some, and just became a little mean-spirited, even if meant in a good way. The parallel between terrorists and the people who don't like mosques being built near them was incredibly strained, and the ending was quite slow to get to. I liked the interaction between the two main characters, and I think if it focussed more on that without the explicit stuff at the end, where things were spelt out too much, it would've been funnier. I also found the 'homo' joke was lacking the required dosage of irony to make it palatable, and as a result felt a little cheap and unneeded. Also, while I personally think religious opposition to eating one particular kind of meat *is* absurd, I do feel as it was executed here, it came off a bit ill-considered.
I really want to see more from you guys because I think the ingredients are there for something really funny. This would've been great trimmed a bit, tetchy jokes executed with a bit more consideration, and less focus on the specifics. These are the kind of videos I personally love to see and are all too rare: characters, a universe, some ambition and a sense of style.