Good game.
Three young wizards are forced to work together if they wish to gain the wisdom of Handalf. Little did they know what the old wizard had up his sleeve!
In my free time, I spent about a month and a half with Stencyl to make this game. It's my first published project. All gameplay, visuals and sound were created by me.
The controls are posted in game. In a future release I may give the option to switch controls.
Have fun!
Good game.
Wonderfully original and creative! But the only level which represented some challenge was the final level, all the others were too easy. The ending was also kind of abrupt and disappointing. Maybe have the option of submitting your score to a scoreboard? Anyways great game, I enjoyed playing it!
hard lol
but K creative
modern junken game LOOOL
Awesome game. Very creative. Half point off for it relying too much on perfection. There were multiple times when I would die or have the block disappear even though I am the exact same as the block. Overall though, great game.
Lots of potential, and incredibly original gameplay and story. Graphics are also cute. But it seems as soon as you get to your first real level, the game ends. Everything before that last level just feels like tutorial stages and right when you think the game's actually starting, it's already over.