Good one
So this was a nice lil game and its not so little infact its all apout epic beard lol, no but really some fun action in this game and some nice controls too a fun game indeed on this onnne
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A physics based top down viking survival melee where you need to defend yourself against the attackers
WORK IN PROGRESS! Daily updates will follow! Come back tomorrow and see what's happened :)
Update 1:
Now game pauses when you open inventory. When you pick up your first item the game also pauses and gives some instructions. Inventory is a bit more informative and tells you which item can be equipped where. Thanks for all tips and feedback guys, keep em coming but don't be dismayed if I can't implement it all at once :)
Good one
So this was a nice lil game and its not so little infact its all apout epic beard lol, no but really some fun action in this game and some nice controls too a fun game indeed on this onnne
I'm not really sure how you're supposed to play this one. And everyone blocking your attacks with their shields is super annoying. The exponential enemy spawns (kill one enemy, two more spawn) make the game more annoying than it should be, mostly due to increased lag as the enemies start piling on. Item drops are also ridiculously rare and I never did get a body armor item drop, though I got a few boots, none of which were better than the previous.
An easy but tedious way to get epic beard is to exit the arena via any of the four paths (top, down, left, right) and then walk behind the boxes. The other vikings are idiots and will follow you but won't figure out your trick. You then can use the boxes as shields against their attacks, while your attacks can slightly reach past them so you'll sometimes hit the enemies but they won't hit you. (You will be offscreen slightly)
They take a lot of hits and especially as time goes on and most of the hits being blocked with shields, but if you sweep back and forth doing this you can just grind up the kills.
40 kills = epic beard get. Then no further need to play this. Medal awards once you game over.
please make this game more playable. This game could have so much potential. try to use these controls:
Up- W
Down- S
Right- A
Left- D
I just implemented controls like you suggested. I think this works a lot better!
I like the idea of this. The graphics and the sound effects are ok, but the controls are absloute horrible.
New controls implemented. Like you say this is more of an idea than a finished game. We're experimenting a little bit before starting our next project for real.
Interesting game. I'm a little sad that they enemies do not increase in difficulty. It became very easy after awhile and quite tedious. I was going to say that there was a shield slot but they didn't drop a shield, but one finally did around the 200th kill. The game just felt boring since their difficulty didn't increase and they didn't get any new weapons/armor. I'd give them upgraded things if I were you. Also were there only 9 items in the game? That's the amount that I got. Also, it appears that the boots both only gave +1 armor so are they just for the looks?
Boots are mostly for looks for now, soon they'll make you faster :)
Difficulty progression has been added, I never got past 20 kills myself before.. :)