This is really good but it could use a way to control speed.
Pursue your enemies and destroy!
Use mouse to control the plane.
Use click to shoot.
Use space bar to launch the missile.
This is really good but it could use a way to control speed.
Not bad! I like a lot the performance of the game, goes smooth, little lag, and it´s not complicated.
Things to improve would be (for me):
Bigger arrows, to locate the enemy easier.
Make the crosshair to show if you have the enemy in sight, then shoot, firing and realizing that you didn´t hit the enemy is frustrating.
Anti Air Artillery (for the rockets#)!
Eliminate the timer.
Make a faster propeller moving, add rocket rails, maybe using real national insignias, upgrades (explosive ammo shels, more powerfull engine).
The inverted y axis is a little confusing to me, maybe have an option to change that? Decent attempt otherwise
Wow, just plain awesome, I don't even have to say already know it.
This would be a fun game if
- controls were better. A way to invert controls. A way to use joystick
- upgrades/different aircraft.