For as simple in design as this game is, it works really well. I would have preferred a lives based system opposed to a score based system to move onto new levels.
Fun fun fun for everyone! ^.^
For as simple in design as this game is, it works really well. I would have preferred a lives based system opposed to a score based system to move onto new levels.
I really had fun with this. The color part was a bit confusing at first but I quickly got used to that. Maybe put some more colors, or more of the yellow/magenta.
Very nice! ^^
Hey glad i entertained you for how ever long you poked around with this game for. Just glad to bring some fun to the people! ^_^ Thanks for the review!
WHO WANTS TO SHOOT LETTERS? Can get boring but least loading was fast
good luck in future submissions! :)
Not bad.
Wow, an acutal non-violent shooter, very similar to the flashkit version, in fact... I think it may just be a copy of that one, but if not, then this was a good gane!
A few more levels and the high scores working would be a great addition, another reason why I think this is simply flashkit.
It's a bit easy, but... for it's filesize, the price is right, so nice job.
Shooting game, good on you
wow thanks! ^.^